Tag: lunch

  • The Best Pizza in Rome… Has to be because we met Bobby Flay there

    We recently went to Italy for our honeymoon and we started our adventure in Rome. We ate at quite a few amazing restaurants, and I took a lot of food pictures, so I’ll be doing individual posts for all the different places of note that we went to. The first…

  • You need to give a cluck about this fried chicken

    Recently, Andy had a work trip to Chicago and I definitely wanted to tag along because 1) I’ve never been and 2) their food scene is supposed to be crazy good. I was there for 4 nights and we fit a lot into that time as well as during the…

  • Streetcar Merchants of Fried Chicken, Doughnuts, and Coffee

    Streetcar Merchants of Fried Chicken, Doughnuts, and Coffee

    When you think of San Diego you conjure up images of sunny beaches, surfers, burritos, and avocados; i don’t think fried chicken comes into your mind at all. Streetcar Merchants is going to change that, because they are doing amazing fried chicken. We went for lunch one day, with some…

  • The Palette at the Art Institute of San Diego

    The Palette at the Art Institute of San Diego

    I had lunch last week at the Palette at the Art Institute of San Diego.  For those who have never been there, this is the student run restaurant for the culinary programs at AI.  First, readers should know that each quarter, a different team of students (and I presume, teachers)…

  • Brunch, Brunch, Brunch ( Snooze)

    Brunch, Brunch, Brunch ( Snooze)

    Brunch is like the siren song of my people. I think it’s because they can drink basically in the late morning/early afternoon and keep on all day. I myself don’t do that, I appreciate one or two but that’s all I can handle. I just like the fact I can…