Tag: brunch

  • Valentines Day – Herringbone, La Jolla

    Valentines Day – Herringbone, La Jolla

    This was a weird day. This was the first Valentines day I had to work at night in years. With that, Andy and I decided a few days before that we should go do lunch that day and we decided on Herringbone in La Jolla. Now, full disclosure time –…

  • Brunch, Brunch, Brunch ( Snooze)

    Brunch, Brunch, Brunch ( Snooze)

    Brunch is like the siren song of my people. I think it’s because they can drink basically in the late morning/early afternoon and keep on all day. I myself don’t do that, I appreciate one or two but that’s all I can handle. I just like the fact I can…